The city of Nin (4km)

Nin has 3000 years long history that is not written in the history books , but you literally walk on it or learn from the rich museum collections. It was founded by the Illyrian tribe Liburns in 9th century B.C. called Aenona and right here,  thanks to archaeological sites, you can track the development of liburian culture . Let’s only say that the settlement on the island was surrounded by walls , and the houses were built by drystone technique and that , judging by historical testimonies , they lived in prosperity .

During the Roman Empire it was important municipality and seaport . The remains of houses and mosaics witness that life here was pleasant and, for those opportunities , wealthy .

Because of the trade a large port was built, situated in the territory of present-day tourist resort Zaton . The most important complex from the Roman period is a forum with the capitolium . There was also a monumental temple which was one of the largest in our region . The degree of development of the fact that Nin in the Roman period also had plumbing , and in addition to the important public buildings is assumed to have had baths and an amphitheater .

In the long course of history Nin was repeatedly devastated and it rose again , and was completely destroyed in 1646. when it was Venice sacrificed to save the then fort Zadar from the invading Turks . And then the end , as so many times before , it was a new beginning .

But what historical process Nina clearly defines and connects to the present day is that it was the first political, religious and cultural center of the medieval Croatian . The place where he was born Croatian state . Nin is also the oldest Croatian royal town , permanent or temporary residence of Croatian national rulers : princes Višeslav Trpimira and Branimir , King Tomislav Petar Kresimir IV . , Zvonimir , Subic princes Bribirskih etc. Nin was the Diocese of 9 – 19th Nin century bishops are important for the Croatian church , among which the most notable Gregory of Nin , a fighter for the preservation of Croatian folk Glagolitic alphabet.

Rich archaeological finds from Nin ‘s history can be seen in museums and in historical sequence deeply intertwined with the present oldest Croatian royal town and the cradle of the Croatian state . He is the European destination of excellence . There’s healing mud, which reliably cures many diseases . There are salt pans in which the production is there before your eyes , and is now about a thousand year old tradition . If you touch the toe of the statue of Gregory of Nin – legend says – ensure you have good luck . Moreover , it is one foreign portal ranked among the world’s ten most attractive symbols of luck.

Health from nature

Among the gifts of nature, which Nin area abounds, certainly one of the most valuable medicinal mud (mud) is located near the famous long sandy beach of the Queen. The effectiveness of the check tens of thousands of people in the organization and supervision of health facilities in Zadar, for four decades the mud used to treat various ailments such as rheumatic diseases, deformities of the spine, musculoskeletal system problems, female infertility and various skin diseases.

The treatment, which usually lasts from ten to twenty days, involves coating the mud, then sunbathing on the sandy beach and rinsing peloid in the warm sea. It is carried out in the morning during July and August. It is a pleasant and useful links, in addition to swimming and bathing in the shallow, warm waters. Works!

Otherwise, Nin mud was used in Roman times. This is evidenced by fragment – round bricks that are in the spa used for conveying hot air, now stored in the Museum of Nin Antiquities. That’s not all: the so-called. Punta is found Liburnian deity Venus Ansotica from the 1st century, which represents the goddess of fertility and birth rates. The assumption is that at this point contained spa in the prehistoric era.

Nin is a special place. The story that lasts. And the joy of life that does not end.

Apartments Bilušić

Blaženka Bilušić

Cell 1: +385 99 3111-031
Cell 2: +385 98 229-118


Škrapavac 67, 23233 Privlaka, Hrvatska

Beaches Privlaka